Sep 15, 2022Liked by The disciples of the Dougalos

I’ll say it again, Anthony’s movie reviews are a gift from god himself.

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Fathy. After the words "middle eastern guy", all I read was ALLAHU AKBAR ALLAHU AKBAR ALLAHU AKBAR ALLAHU AKB-

Don't try keto and convince yourself you're white. Have some self-respect.

Best regards,

Another racist brown guy from the opposite side of the world

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For Mr. Bean Room - you don’t sound schizophrenic, you sound like you used a synonym finder on google in an attempt to portray yourself as smarter than you are or whatever. Your grammar made me want to kill myself. Other than that it was a good interesting read and brought up a really good point with which I agree. I would take it one step further by saying yes it’s stupid to ignore that some races are better than others in certain categories or tasks etc but that’s not what makes it racist, what makes it racist is pushing the ideas onto others in a way that puts that less superior race down. Like rather than being able to acknowledge the fact that one race can do something better than another if you were putting down that race because of it makes it racist.

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hey bean room: correlation does not equal causation. Read up on it.

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Fathy that was really cute !!!

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Wow, i didnt know fathy was gay

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to the discord guy: china is funding discord. Its actually pretty bad. I can send you a link to it if you want

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Each news letter leaves me more and more enlightened

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